Hi Gorgeous!! How have your days been while sheltering in place? I know that the days can drag while hanging out in sweats, bingeing Netflix, jumping on Zoom calls, eating all the snacks, and not to mention homeschooling for those of us with kiddos!! It’s important that during these times we stay intentional!! Eat healthy! Stay active! Positive affirmations! Quality time!! Which brings me to the point of this blog post…how you can bring date night to your home!! I, for one, know how easy it is to get caught up in adapting to this new norm that maybe spending intentional quality time with your significant other can fall to the bottom of your list!! Well, I got you girlfriend!! I’ve listed some cute and fun ideas for your date night at home!! So grab a pen and piece of paper and pass a note to your boo asking them out on a date tonight!!

Play A Card/Board/App Game!
It’s time to dust off your board games, break out those cards, or download a few free and totally fun apps! Nothing like an innocent competitive game to get the flirtatious banter going!
Backyard Picnic
Since the days are longer there’s still enough light for you to set up a cute picnic right in your backyard! Turn on your fav playlist to set the mood or even bring your favorite book and take turns reading aloud!

Candlelit Dinner
To make it even more snazzy…throw on actual date night outfits! You’ve both been in lounge wear for long enough, it’ll be fun to get ready for one another! As you have dinner turn off all the lights and eat only by candlelight. Set the mood with your fav love songs playing in the background! To make it even better you can play it on a record player!!
Movie Night-In
A classic fav! Get your popcorn, make a sundae and snuggle up to one another as you watch that one movie you both have been wanting to watch! And if you want to take it up a notch, use a projector and watch your movie on one of your walls!! Don’t forget to silence your phones!
Start A Puzzle
The fun thing about this is that it can easily turn into a few dates depending on how many pieces this puzzle has! The mental exercise of piecing a puzzle together will make the completion a sweet celebration!!
Silly Family Date
Being playful and silly lightens the mood for everyone! And if you have kiddos, they’ll feel extra connected! For example, we’ve dressed up our dining chairs like people with clothes! Brin and Grant LOVED this! Or we’ve also made “beard” on our faces with whipped cream…the kicker: let your significant other or child apply the “beard”!
Spa Date
Shawn and I used to get couple’s massages. It was such a treat. Now we can treat each other! I’m no masseuse, but I do my best and it’s still a great way to stay connected! You can even make a spa date with yourself! Put on some relaxing tunes, practice some deep breathing, light candles, paint your nails, try a new facial. Basically intentional time to unwind and relax the mind and body!
Bake Date
Snacking can become more than snacking. It can become emotional eating. I have a whole blog post sharing on how I got free from emotional eating. You can click here to read! I LOVE chocolate!! Especially these paleo gluten free chocolate chip cookies! Spend some sweet time in the kitchen cooking up something sweet!! And healthy! You’ll make some good memories and guilt free satisfying snacks!! This doesn’t even need to be baking! Watch a cookie tutorial online for a meal you’ve been wanting to try and cook together!
Christmas Shopping Date
Sometimes thinking of others can help brighten our perspective. I know it sounds silly, BUT now is a great time to do holiday shopping!! There are SO many good sales going on!! Plus, retail therapy at it’s finest! Thinking of others and planning to bless them can brighten things up!
Day Dream Date
One of my favorite things to do with Shawn is sit on the couch after the kids have gone to bed and day dream about the future. I LOVE dreaming and even planning for our goals! Envisioning ourselves doing what’s on our bucket list is exciting and healthy! Especially, now, don’t stop dreaming my friends. Dream big and often!!

I hope these ideas inspire you to really make date night happen!!!! You can click here to shop my daily fashion finds! Love and appreciate you all!! XO!!