Little Black Dress You Need For New Year’s Eve!

Little black dress, where have you been??! You’re perfect!!! And actually the timing is perfect too!! You’ll make New Year’s Eve extra dazzling!!!

Couldn’t be happier with the dress selection at Nordstrom!! Especially for ringing in the New Year!!! I wanted glitz and glam…and they delivered!! As per usual hehe! If you’ve been following me for a while, then you know Nordstrom is the first place I check when shopping!

Not only to I love the dress itself…I’m loving the price too! Under $70!!! But make me feel like a million bucks!! And that’s priceless!!!

I paired it here with these statement heels and crystal studded clutch.

Not sure if you saw my Instagram post earlier today, but just in case you didn’t I was sharing some personal thoughts for 2019.

If we keep doing what we’re doing, we’re going to keep getting what we’re getting.” -Stephen Covey. We’re constant works in progress and it’s fun dreaming up how the best is yet to come!!! A bit of my personal notes:

-Change your self talk, change your life.

-Interrupt old patterns by creating empowering alternatives.

-Who you spend time with is who you become.

-Everything happens for a reason.

-There is no such thing as failure, only results.

-Yes, there are some things out of our control, but for the most part, whatever happens take responsibility for it.

-It is not necessary to understand everything to be able to use everything. Create momentum by just starting.

-Work is play.

-There is no success without commitment.

-Turn your “shoulds” into “musts”.

-Pain is just a signal for change. Welcome it and seek out the best change.

Rooting for you and your best year yet!!!! Happy New Year, Loves!!!

As always you can find me at (@interiordesignerella) on Instagram!! I post all my fashion finds there!! And yes! Majority come from Nordstrom!! They have prime selection of affordable and luxurious…all with the convenience of same day curbside pick-up after ordering online! That is 99% of how I shop these days!! If you haven’t tried this service yet and have a local Nordstrom, I HIGHLY recommend!!!!

If interested, you can click here to be taken to my “Shop My Instagram” page! Thank you Nordstrom for sponsoring this post! It’s a privilege to get to work with you!!! Photography credit goes to the amazing Cindy Kyle Photography! As always, all content and thoughts are my own! I appreciate you all!!! Much!!! XOXO!!!

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